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About the Course

Knowledge of financial aspects, which helps in decision making, is the key to success. It is important for non-finance professionals to be conversant with financial-decision making tools, which helps them to analyze a given financial statement, understand the nature of cost and ways to reduce cost, take pricing decision, decide a product mix and opt for the best option suiting the financing need.

This course provides awareness and understanding of the ways finance affects business objectives. This course helps you to get familiar with the form, content and analysis of financial statements. The course may also help in the improvement of organizations’ performance by pointing out the importance of cost control, breakeven and variance analysis. After completing the program, you should be able to communicate comfortably with finance executives and discuss the financial performance of the organization effectively.

Course Benefits

  • Understand financial statements and its key elements
  • Understand how business decisions made by you impact key elements of your company’s financial statements
  • Identify signals pointing to deterioration in financial condition
  • Take part in discussions on current financial and economic issues
  • Know the advantages of budgeting
  • Analyze the reasons for variances between the actual and budgeted results
  • Understand what the cost of business operations is and how to manage the same
  • Learn the most important principles of budgeting
  • Be able to prepare management reports

Who should take this course?

  • Business Owners
  • Middle level Managers
  • Head of non-financial division/function
  • Self-employed non-finance professionals
  • Non-Commerce Graduates

Course Coverage

Understanding financial statements-

  • Balance Sheet
  • Profit& Loss Statement
  • Cash Flow Statements
  • Notes to Financial Statements

Interpreting financial statements

  • Profits v. cashflows
  • Ratios and their Interpretations

Overview of Regulatory Structures

  • Different forms of Business
  • Overview of CompaniesAct2013
  • Overview of Taxation structure in India

Understanding and analyzing costs for decision making

  • Types of cost
  • Understanding cost behaviour
  • Marginal costing
  • Make or Buy | Shut Down or Continue | Sell or Process further | Domestic v. export sales

Creating and managing budgets

  • Understanding need for budgeting
  • Types of budgets— cash budgets, sales budgets, production budgets
  • Budget v. Actuals – Variance Analysis

Working Capital Management

  • Working Capital and its components
  • Working Capital cycle
  • Working Capital Management – Debtors | Creditors | Cash | Inventory

Evaluating investment proposals through Capital Budgeting

  • Need for Capital Budgeting
  • Assessing Investment Proposals
  • Techniques of Capital budgeting – Payback Period |Accounting Rate of Return | Net Present Value | IRR
  • Sensitivity Analysis

Cost of capital and capital structure

  • Risk/ Return framework
  • Understanding the rate of return required by Debt and Equity holders
  • Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC)

Means of financing

  • Share Capital| Term Loans| Debentures | Leasing | Other forms of Funding

Personal Tax Planning

  • Types of Income | Basics of tax planning, Exempt Income, Investment in tax saving avenues

Financial markets and instruments

  • Types of Financial Markets— Primary and Secondary
  • Financial Instruments — Shares, Debt Instruments| Derivatives (Future, Forward, Option, Swaps)

Exercises and case studies

  • For better understanding of concepts and reinforcement of learning
For queries, feedback or assistance

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