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Participants will receive a certificate of completion at the end of the course on successfully clearing the assessment.
Swati Sharma
+91 9168161122
Avail two e-learning courses at INR 16,000 + GST
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India Inc (other than Banks and Insurance companies) has already transitioned to Ind AS under a phased manner starting year 2016-17. All holdings, subsidiaries, joint ventures and associates of such companies are also required to comply with Ind-AS in the preparation of their financial statements from the transition date. The changes also require comprehensive disclosures and presentation requirements. Further, Ind AS has witnessed changes in areas including Revenue and Leases where the accounting and disclosure requirements have aligned to the changes as per the global accounting framework of IFRS.
To help finance professionals increase their awareness and develop an understanding of Ind AS, we have come up with a certificate course in Ind-AS.
The course includes e-learning modules, which are recorded videos of our face-to-face sessions of Ind AS Masterclass delivered by senior professionals of member firms of Ernst & Young Global. The course contains downloadable publications on different standards and industry-specific guidance issued by EY from time to time. The modules are structured to help individuals understand the intricacies of the subject. There is also an assessment section at the end of the course to outline the success of the learning objectives.